The Organizing Committee of ICMART 2025 invites foreign institutions and individual researchers to propose symposiums for our upcoming conference.
Thank you for your interest in organizing a symposium at ICMART 2025. We look forward to receiving your proposals.
General Information
Each symposium will last 80 minutes and should comprise 4 presentations.
Presentations must be delivered in English.
Symposium proposals should include the following information :
Title : Clearly and specifically describe the topic of the symposium.
Speakers : Provide the full name, title, affiliation, address, email address, and telephone number of the 4 speakers, along with the titles of their presentations.
Travelling and Registration costs of Speakers and Chairs
Please note that all financial arrangements for Symposia are at the account of the symposia organizers. The ICMART 2025 Organizing Committee is not able to cover travel and/or registration costs for Symposium Speakers and Chairs. Conference registration of the Speakers and Chairs is mandatory and a pre-requisite for participating and to held the proposed Symposium
Proposal Submission
Symposium proposals should be submitted via e-mail from the Secretariat to